Annual Report

Not your average annual report.

User Testing
UI Design




Adelphi Digital



Annual reports are notoriously difficult to get right. There is always too much text, too much data to draw clear findings from and too many stakeholders. No one would put annual reports and ‘engaging’ in the same sentence.

That’s why we needed to provide a user-centric, digital experience for BHP’s 2017 online annual report. Key findings had to be easily available to a wide audience – board members and investors through to journalists and employees; all would need to smoothly navigate their way through the main aspects of the report.

With our key measure of success being PDF downloads of the full report, we started to analyse the previous years’ online report analytics and identify main areas of improvement. From our research, it was clear that we needed to segment the content into bite-sized, easily digestible sections. Ultimately this would be developed into a component-based, single-page site that summarised sections of the report. The user could then opt to read more and expand certain sections if necessary.

With the annual report deadlines looming we needed to act fast. We conducted user testing on our UI designs with a 5-person test group. With their feedback implemented, we were able to deliver an engaging SiteCore experience, full of responsive elements that had the user’s experience at heart.
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Mobile 4